Support only
Although you are supporting this project with no return, we may give priority to informing you of real events and announcements that we plan to hold in the future.
Supporters:42 | Left:Unlimited

[Prepaid shipping option]
For those who find it difficult to pay cash on delivery when receiving item returns, please select this option and we will ship the product with postage prepaid.
If you wish to ship overseas, please be sure to apply for this service at the same time.
Supporters:7 | Left:Unlimited

[2 Polaroid Photos] W/ Sign and name
I’ll give you a sexy polaroid photo of me with my handwriting including
– My personal signature
– Your name
[About shipping]
1 to 2 weeks after funding ends
*The erotic documentary film gift set is not included in this support.
Supporters:20 | Left:0